Wanting You: A Cowboy Romance (Texas Hill Country Romance Book 2)
Wanting You
(a cowboy romance)
Mae Martini
Wanting You
(a cowboy romance)
Copyright © 2014 by Mae Martini
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.
This book is a work of fiction. The names and events are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. 20150812
18 and over please. This book is a cowboy romance, full of sexy scenes as well as explicit language.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 1
“Cord, grab the waitress. She’s right behind you,” Jake said as he sat up and removed his ribbed tank T-shirt.
Cord turned his head around, and made eye contact with the tall blonde in a black string bikini and skimpy apron that showed off her curvaceous body and fake boobs. She was taking a drink order from a bunch of obnoxious boys, two rows behind them, and nodded in acknowledgement.
Jake and his buddies had been relaxing in lounge chairs by the pool of the newest and trendiest hotel in Vegas—Pastels, a hotel owned by the chain that the family of their friend from Wimberley owned.
Having only arrived an hour before, Jake and his two buddies quickly changed to hit the pool and check out the atmosphere. There was an abundance of toned, tanned, fit bodies all around the enormous sapphire blue pool. Music was blaring, and the noise level was high.
Relaxing? To some.
They were even lucky to find three lounge chairs together.
“What can I get you handsome cowboys?” the waitress asked with a smile, making note of their hats. She may have spoken to all three of them, but she didn’t take her eyes off of Cord.
Jake grinned and slowly shook his head as she blatantly flirted with Cord while she dug her hand in her apron pocket, and in so doing, lifted the apron and exposed her bikini bottom thisclose to Cord’s face. She dug out her pen and began to write on her pad.
“Three beers,” Cord replied as he moved his head to the other side of the chair, closer to Rory.
“Coming up, sweetheart,” she said. Then she slowly licked her lips and turned and walked away, swaying her hips as she left.
Jake and Rory cracked up at the look on Cord’s face when he turned to them.
“Damn, McCreedy, that ring on your finger is supposed to be a deterrent, not a magnet,” Rory said.
“You are just soooo good looking,” Jake teased.
“Asshole,” Cord said to him with a wry grin.
“I still can’t believe Annie let you come,” Rory said.
“Why? She knows she has nothing to worry about. Now you on the other hand, hahaha!” He shook his head, laughing, “I can’t believe Calista allowed you to come.”
“She doesn’t own me. I do what I want.”
“So you think.”
“Am I whipped?” Rory turned his head, and asked Jake, who was checking out the woman who sat down in the lounge chair next to him. She was with two other women. There were only two chairs available, but a guy on the other end fell for the charm of one of the girls and got up and relinquished his chair.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, chuckling as he turned his head to Rory. Then he added, “I can’t believe either of you came.”
“We weren’t about to let our buddy go and have fun without us now, were we?” Rory said.
In truth, the boys were concerned about Jake. It had been four months since his girlfriend, Jennie, had left him for that dirty mechanic from Luckenbach, Doug Treemont. The same Doug Treemont who had cut Cord’s brake line on his Camaro a while back, but that’s another story. He couldn’t seem to get over it. He took it hard. He went through the angry stage, snapping at everyone. Then he went through the depression stage. The friends hardly saw him as he threw himself into getting the Bed and Breakfast he and Annie, Cord’s wife, owned up and running. Then he went through the ‘I’ll fuck anything on two legs’ stage and realized when he woke up after a drunken night in some chick’s bed with dirty sheets and crawling with bugs that he needed to snap out of it and move on.
He told his friends of his plans of going to Vegas to get away for a while, five days.
Five days was too long for him to be alone in Vegas, and Cord asked Annie if she would be okay with him going with Jake.
Of course she said yes. Jake was the closest thing she had to a brother. His sister and she had been best friends since college. She loved him dearly and she would do anything that would make him snap out of it and get back to himself. She knew Cord didn’t want to be away from her for that long, nor away from the ranch. Not even married a year, and a lucrative business in training horses that he had put on hold for his friend, whom he considered his brother.
Calista, Jake’s sister, encouraged Rory to go with them too, as the three boys were best of friends since first grade and they did things together all the time.
There used to be four of them, but they hadn’t seen Dan in a while. He fell out of their good graces when he made a drunken mistake and violated Annie when she and Cord were in the dating stage. The last they heard, Dan was in an AA program.
The waitress came back with their beers and she’d passed one to Jake by stretching in front of Cord and sticking her breasts in his face, then she’d repeated the process when passing to Rory. When she’d looked down at Cord she had a big grin on her face and she gave her boobs a shake.
Cord wrinkled his nose and turned his head slightly as he took the beer from her. He put it down, then reached for the pen to sign the bill to their room and practically flung it back at her.
Rory and Jake sniggered at the little display that made their friend uncomfortable.
“I can’t believe you, McCreedy. There was a time if a woman stuck her tits in your face, you’d latch onto them with your mouth,” Jake said, chuckling.
Cord grinned, as he took a sip of his beer.
Jake heard the woman on his other side giggle and he looked to her. She had overheard him. He gave her a lopsided smile as he arched his eyes at her and she smiled and shook her head.
He’d made contact. He wanted to engage her in conversation, but her friend sitting next to her tapped her to ask her something and she turned away from him. He took a sip of beer and went back to people watching.
“Did you ever get a chance to run over to your old property and check it out yet?” C
ord asked Jake.
“I passed by it while taking the gray mare for a run. I didn’t get too close. You’re right, it seems deserted. The barn is in need of repair and the house could use a fresh coat of paint from what I could see. The grass hasn’t been mowed for some time… I wonder what’s going on there. I didn’t see a for sale sign.”
“Oh, by the way, the T Bar is very pleased with her. Good job, Jake.” Cord said. He paused, then lifted the corners of his mouth. “It’s almost like you know what you’re doing.” He snickered.
“Fuck you.” Jake gave him the finger and a lopsided grin.
No one said anything more; they just soaked up the sun, warmth and atmosphere. Jake thought about the mare. He’d hated to give her up. She was the easiest to train and she had so much respect for him, and he her, that he wanted to keep her and build on it. But, he had no place to stall her. He knew Cord would be okay with him wanting to keep her at his ranch, but he also knew she would be taking up valuable space.
He had all but forgotten about the ranch he grew up on until Cord mentioned it to him, a few days prior, that it looked abandoned. He had a nice cushiony set up with Annie and the Bed and Breakfast that they both worked hard to achieve, but mingling with strangers and seeing to clogged toilets and broken something or others was not very exciting for him. He enjoyed working with horses. Training them, getting them to yield to him without breaking their spirit but showing a mutual respect was exhilarating for him. He had made a mental note to inquire about the place when they got back home.
Jake had his cowboy hat low at the front of his head to block the hot sun. He felt the woman next to him get up. He slid his hat up slightly and watched, through hooded eyes, as she raised the dress she was wearing over her head.
Jake inwardly groaned. She was wearing a white string bikini and she had a sexy round backside. Her sun kissed body was toned. Her legs were long and lean and when he looked up, she was folding her dress and he noticed the small, sexy definition in her arms. He heard her friend say ‘look at that’ as she pointed, and she turned around to see.
Jake noticed her blue crystal drop belly jewelry and cute ab muscles.
As if sensing she was being watched, she dropped her eyes to look at him and he quickly closed his eyes.
Stupid, Warner. Did you not wanna make contact, he thought to himself, mentally shaking his head.
He opened his eyes to see her and her friends walk down to the pool. He turned to his buddies and they, too, watched the girls walk down to the pool. They may not have been available, but they were not dead.
Jake watched the girls walk and zeroed in on the girl that was sitting closest to him. He noted her long strawberry blonde hair that was up in a high ponytail and ended just below her shoulders. He envisioned it down and loose, and he could see himself running his hands through it and thought it must feel as soft and silky as it looked.
A couple of guys walked crosswise behind the girls and must have said something, because the girls turned around and smiled, and the dark haired girl said something to them then continued walking. One of the guys started walking their way and his buddy had grabbed his arm and they continued on.
“Man, I can’t believe Richie scored us the penthouse suite,” Rory said.
“Yeah. That dude is all right,” Cord said, and Jake nodded his head in agreement.
Cord was friends with Richie and Richie’s pal, Logan. Cord and Logan were both horse trainers and they did a lot of business together, buying and selling, and sharing training tips. Cord even trained his son’s pony a couple of years back.
One phone call got him the suite and a new Jaguar XJ at their beck and call. When they got to the suite, they found V.I.P. passes to an exclusive strip club as well as various pool parties, waiting for them, along with a paid cabana at the topless pool for the duration of their stay.
Jake balked, he wanted to use the cabana that day, but the guys were being pussies, they didn’t want any trouble with their women. Geez, whatever happened to ‘whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’?
Jake kept his eye on the woman who had sat next to him and watched her dive into the pool. He watched as she came up out of the water and smoothed her hair away from her face. Damn, she looked sexy. She had an impressive rack, a narrow waist and the sexiest hips he’d ever seen sway, not to mention a grabable ass he wanted to squeeze.
He noticed a guy watching her and it appeared he said something. She looked at him and shook her head with a disgusted look on her face, then swam away from him. She perched herself on the edge of the pool near one of her friends, who was chatting up a dark skinned guy.
Cord elbowed Rory and when Rory turned to him, he nodded in Jake’s direction. Rory turned around to see Jake watching something intently by the pool. They followed his line of sight and realized he was checking out the girl whose stuff was on the lounge chair next to him.
“See anything you like, buddy?” Rory asked.
Jake tore his eyes away from the pool and looked to Rory as he stretched his upper body. “This place is teeming with beautiful women.”
Rory nodded his head.
“Hey, Cord, did you speak to Annie yet?” Jake asked. He picked up his cup of beer and took a sip.
“No, I’m gonna finish this beer, then go up to the room and call her. Why?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to know if everything is all right at the Elm.”
“Jake, we’re not even here three hours and we have another four days to go. You gonna keep worrying about the Elm, why’d you want to get away for this amount of time?”
Jake shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know.”
“Dickhead,” Cord said as he shook his head.
Rory snorted, feeling beer bubbles in his nose.
Jake, too, shook his head grinning. He turned back to the pool where the chick was sitting. She was gone.
He scanned the area looking for her and realized he was staring into her eyes as she looked at him while she and her friends were walking back to their chairs.
The both of them realized they got caught staring at each other and they both quickly averted their eyes.
There was a little more room between her chair and his than hers and her friend’s, so she went and stood there, facing away from him. He glanced at her ass then turned to his friends who were watching him with dumbass grins on their faces.
He took another sip of beer and held the cup up in his right hand, with his elbow on the armrest of the lounge.
Jake heard her grunt, and turned to see her trying to dislodge the corner of her towel that had somehow gotten stuck under her lounge chair leg.
She tugged harder than she should have. The next thing she knew the towel came loose, she went backwards, hit the armrest of his chair with the back of her knees, and fell backwards onto his lap. The beer in the cup, in his hand, on the other armrest, sloshed out onto Rory’s face.
The woman and he locked gazes with surprised looks on their faces.
She was mortified, but instead of quickly getting up, she flung her arms and legs up, inadvertently pressing into his package with her butt, and said, “Ta-dah!” with a nervous laugh.
He cracked up. His friends as well as her friends were hysterical at that point, too.
“Falling for me already, darlin’?” Jake asked her with a cute, charming smile.
She smiled back at him and got caught up in his beautiful deep blue soulful eyes. It was like she could see inside him. It reminded her of the deep gem blue built in pool at her apartment complex. She could swim in his eyes all day. Then she gasped as she felt him grow and she squirmed to get up.
Jake knew the moment she felt his erection and quickly helped her up out of his lap. He didn’t want her to think he was some kind of pervert. Now he was mortified.
Nervously laughing, she kept repeating how sorry she was.
“It’s okay.” He assured her.
“Let me buy you a drink to replace the other one.”
sp; “Nah, it’s all right.”
“Yeah, I have a one beer splash on the face a day limit,” Rory said, chuckling as he wiped his face with a towel.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz,” she said with her hand by her mouth trying not to laugh.
She turned back to Jake and they shared more than a moment as they stared into each other’s eyes and smiled, with Jake slowly shaking his head.
She turned back to her friends and he watched her as she reached for a sarong and tied it around her hips.
Her girlfriends were already packed up and waiting for her. She picked up her stuff and as she walked away, she dipped her head and smiled at Jake again.
He nodded his head and continued to watch her as she walked away. Darlin’, I know I can break you without breaking your spirit. And, it’d sure be fun. “Did you see those eyes of hers? he asked his friends.
“No, I was too busy checking out her body,” Rory said.
Cord didn’t even bother to answer.
“They were gray, I think. I’ve never seen anything like them before.”
At that point the waitress came back with three more beers for them.
“We didn’t order these,” Cord said.
“No, the lady who said her name was Klutz, did,” the waitress said, rolling her eyes.
As she passed out the drinks, Jake asked her, “Is that woman staying in this hotel?”
“I don’t know,” she replied curtly, annoyed that they showed more interest in the klutz than in her.
“That was very classy of her,” Jake said to his friends after the waitress walked away. “She didn’t have to buy us all a drink.”
“Yeah,” Cord said, knowing that Jake was enthralled with her. “Why don’t you run and try to catch up with her, buddy?”
Jake looked like that was what he wanted to do, but he didn’t. “Nah, I think I scared her.”
“How?” Rory asked.
“While she was on my lap, I sort of… kind of… got a boner. She squirmed to get up.”
Cord and Rory broke out laughing.