The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance) Page 3
“Why’d you stop riding?”
She hesitated, thinking about Michael not wanting her to ride any more. She blew out a breath. “I got too busy, I guess. I sure do miss it. I especially loved riding along the beach. How about you? How long are you riding?”
“Since before I was walking and yeah, I like riding on the beach myself.”
There was a long silence as Melanie took in the scenery. It was a beautiful day. Looking up, she saw a cloudless azure sky and looking as far as the eye could see, she noticed how vivid the trees were against that sky. Beautiful. She could stare at it all day. It gave her a sense of calmness.
“So, you ever going to tell me your name or do you still want to remain mysterious?” he asked.
“I’m not trying to be mysterious.”
“You pretended to shop at Geli’s.”
She began to protest. He raised an eyebrow. She shut up.
“Then you bolted out of the diner like I had the plague or something. Darlin’, if you’re not trying you’re not doing a great job of it,” he said in that southern drawl.
She looked from him to the horses then to the horizon and sighed. She looked back to him. “Melanie,” she said quietly.
“Excuse me?”
“Melanie. My name is Melanie.
“That’s a beautiful name.”
“Thank you,” she said modestly.
“Does Melanie have a last name?”
“Yes,” she said and he waited then realized she wasn’t going to share it. No matter, he knew it was Catalano. At least that was what was on the paperwork she filled out earlier. Everyone who rode at his stables had to show ID and fill out a form. He watched her. What was she running from or who?
Logan looked around in a lazy, laid back manner then brought his eyes back to her.
“Thank you for breakfast.” He paused, looking from her to the horses then back to her again.
She didn’t say anything. She just nodded her head.
“Why’d you run?” He waited for a reply but kind of knew she wouldn’t answer. Still, it was worth a shot, asking. He watched her stare at her hands. “I’d like to return the gesture. Have dinner with me tonight?”
Melanie’s eyes shot up and she was momentarily lost in his beautiful eyes.
“Look Logan, I like Geli. Actually, she is the only woman I know here. I don’t want to mess that up.” She began to get annoyed.
“Okay, but what does that have to do with dinner tonight?”
Clearly he was going to be persistent. “I have a date tonight,” she said curtly as she rolled her eyes. It really wasn’t a lie. She told Mr. Leitner she would bring dinner over that night.
“Oh.” He didn’t expect to hear that. It took him by surprise. He wasn’t about to move in on another guy’s territory. “Okay, maybe another time,” he mumbled as he rose and walked to Shils Aash. He grabbed his horse’s reins and mounted up. “We’d better get back.”
“Okay,” she said as she was again taking his lead and rose when he did. She mounted Zeus.
Logan rode his horse hard all the way back.
Melanie was growing more and more angry with him for working Shils Aash hard. At first, she tried to catch up but then gave up and rode at her leisure.
By the time she got back to the corral, Logan had already dismounted and was waiting for her, leaning his back against the fence with his feet crossed at the ankle, his arms crossed against his chest and his hat pulled down low.
Melanie glanced his way and her breath caught. Not only was he a most imposing man, but there was something dark and sexy, very sexy about him. She flushed as she averted her eyes but he caught her flush and lifted the corners of his mouth up slightly.
Logan moved away from the fence and went to Zeus’s side. He reached his arms up and placed them around her waist. He felt electricity run from her to him and he took in a breath as he brought her down to him.
Melanie didn’t know why he did what he did but when she felt his hands around her waist, something deep inside her body woke up and she didn’t fight his grasp. They stared into one another’s eyes a moment before, and to Melanie’s disappointment, he let go of her waist.
“Miss Catalano,” he said and he tipped his hat to her, turned and walked away.
She was floored he knew her last name. Then it dawned on her. The form. Of course.
“Thank you,” she said, loud enough for him to hear.
Without turning around he waved his hand in acknowledgement.
Melanie paused a moment then turned and walked to her car.
On the drive home, Melanie thought about what it would be like to have been able to accept dinner with him that night. God knows, she really did want to say yes. There was something sexy about him. And when he was walking away and she got a good look at his butt. Woohoo! That was hot. He certainly knew how to wear a pair of jeans.
Chapter 6
“So at this point, I’m so frustrated. I’m yelling into the phone thinking they can’t hear me because I’m talking with someone in another country, and I say If you don’t get me a manager this moment, I’m gonna come over there and punch you, buddy.”
“Hahaha. Did you really say that?” Melanie asked, cracking up over a funny story Gabe related to her about the first time he had to call a computer customer service center when his computer froze up.
“When I had to call my satellite radio company, the first thing I did was ask what country am I calling and when they told me, I asked for an American.”
“Did it work?”
“No.” She paused and then mischievously smiled. “Until I told them to cancel my service. They quickly transferred me to America and I even got half off my bill for the next six months.” They laughed.
Melanie enjoyed this spry seventy-two years young man. He must have been a real looker when he was younger, she thought. He had salt and pepper hair, a weathered face, from the Texas sun, no doubt and the coolest mustache. He reminded her of that older, yet still hot actor, Sam Elliot. Complete with that western drawl. Melanie had no doubt he was a rancher like he said and judging by his rough looking hands and thin build, he must have worked hard as all ranchers do.
Melanie brought over some take out from Rosa’s, the local Italian Restaurant in town. They shared a salad, an order of lasagna and a plate of veal parmesan.
Gabe was filling up Melanie’s wine glass when they heard the front door close. Melanie looked up to him in surprise and Gabe just smiled. Apparently he was expecting someone so Melanie relaxed. She hated that she always got jittery lately.
Melanie heard footsteps getting closer. She looked up to see Logan walking into the kitchen from the hall. Her jaw dropped.
Logan heard laughter from the front door and when he got to the doorway of the kitchen, he saw Melanie sitting at the kitchen table. His jaw dropped.
At the same time she said, “Are you following me?”
He said, “You’re dating my grandfather?”
Then they both said,
“What? No.”
“I see you two have met already,” Gabe said. He looked from his grandson to Melanie, smiling.
“Your Grandfather?”
“Oh. Then Geli is your…?”
“Ooohhh, I thought you were dating or something.”
“Is that why you didn’t want to have dinner with me tonight?”
“No, I told you I had a date.” She smiled as she pointed to Gabe.
“Melanie, you’re a beautiful, young girl. You make me feel young and as much as I enjoy your generosity and company, you don’t need to be hanging around an old man. You should be out enjoying yourself.” Then he turned to Logan. “You told me you haven’t been seeing anyone lately, so I thought you could show this sweet girl around the area. She’s new here, you know.”
“Yes, Grandpa, I know.”
Then Logan and Melanie asked at the same time.
“Did you set this up?” They looked at each other, stunned that they said the same thing again.
“No,” replied Gabe with a twinkle in his eye.
“You know old man, I can get my own dates. I don’t need your help.”
“I’m not looking to date anyone, I told you that Gabe,” Melanie said as she got up to clean the table.
“Don’t think of it as a date then. Go get a drink at The Salty Dog. Melanie, you said you were getting restless. Here’s your chance to get out a little and see the night life of Wimberley.”
Melanie shot a look from Gabe to Logan who was watching her intently.
“What do you say? Wanna humor the old man?” Logan smiled.
“Um, okay,” she said, kicking herself mentally for not being able to resist Logan’s charming smile.
To Gabe’s protest, Melanie cleaned up the kitchen before saying goodnight. She went next door and left Logan on the porch while she freshened up. She changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of heels. She kept the same purple blouse on. She quickly ran her fingers through her mass of curls and put on some lip gloss.
Logan liked what he saw when she came out of the house. Man, she had some serious curves. He took a moment to study her and thought about what it would be like to run his hands up and down those curves.
She shyly smiled up at him.
Logan opened the passenger door of his black Chevy Silverado for her. He closed it and with a spring in his step walked to the driver’s side and drove away.
Gabe had been looking out the front window.
Chapter 7
The Salty Dog was hopping. Live music played and couples were on the dance floor. Logan paid the cover charge. Whenever there was a live band there was a cover charge but only for cowboys. Cowgirls were always allowed in for free.
He walked her to the back of the bar where his friends were.
“Melanie!” Cody said, greeting her with a smile.
“Hi, Cody.” She smiled.
“Sorry about this afternoon. My boss had me muck stalls,” he said with a scowl toward Logan.
Melanie turned to Logan. He shrugged his shoulders. “Someone has to do it,” he simply said.
“That’s okay, Cody,” Melanie said as she turned back to him.
“Buy you a drink?” Cody asked.
“I got it,” Logan interjected. He turned to Melanie. “Beer?”
“No,” she shook her head. “Rum and coke?”
Logan got Felicia, the bartender’s, attention behind the bar and ordered Melanie’s drink and a beer for himself and Cody. He wanted to make it up to Cody for stealing her away from him. But hey, he saw her first.
Logan handed Melanie her drink then introduced her to a cowboy, who watched the whole exchange, a stool away. He looked to be about thirty, like Logan. He had dark hair, high cheek bones, light blue eyes and a sexy five o’clock shadow. He was lean and muscular like Logan.
“Melanie, this is my buddy Richie Warren. Richie, Melanie.”
“Hi, sugar,” Richie said, tipping his hat and he gave her a wide smile. He ogled her body and it freaked her out a little that she moved closer to Logan.
“Hi,” she said modestly.
She looked around as Logan and Richie talked.
“Linda’s on the dance floor. She’s been looking for you, man.”
“God damn it. What the fuck does she want now?” he asked more to himself.
“You. I told you,” Richie said smirking.
“Yeah, well that ain’t happening.”
Melanie looked at Richie then Logan as she heard the exchange.
Linda was Logan’s ex-girlfriend, well, unfortunately more. They were exclusive for two and a half years. She wanted more. He didn’t at the time, but she tricked him good.
Then when she noticed Logan losing interest in her, she thought she could get him jealous by hooking up with some guy while they were seeing only each other and that was it for him. He broke it off over four and a half years ago and never looked back. Unfortunately she did. Why couldn’t she let it go, it’s been years for Christ’s sake. How could you trust the woman anymore?
And why was she here, shouldn’t she be home, he thought.
Two female hands came up behind Logan and covered his eyes. It startled Melanie and she moved away.
Logan knew it was Linda covering his eyes. He reached out to Melanie and grabbed her closer to him. Then with his other hand, he yanked one of Linda’s hands away from an eye and squeezed it hard.
“Ouch!” she said as she dropped her other hand. Logan swung around and gave her a disgusted look. She gave him a big smile.
“Hi, cowboy, buy me a drink?” she said seductively.
The way she was slurring her words, Logan knew she was drunk.
Well, just like Melanie leaned on him a moment ago, Logan went to lean on her. He pulled her closer and smiled down at her and planted a kiss on her lips. He hoped she wouldn’t pull away or recoil and she didn’t.
Whoa! He thought when he broke the kiss, what was that? He wondered if she felt it too. He watched her bring her hand up to her lips and trace them. Yeah, she felt it too.
Her kiss was sweet, her breath was fresh and he wanted to taste more. He looked to Linda then back to her and smiled.
“Who’s your flame of the night?” Linda asked acerbically, while looking at Melanie with disdain.
“Melanie, this is Linda Ramos. Linda, Melanie,” he said, scowling at her and wondered why he even answered her question.
It was the second time that night Melanie noticed he didn’t give away her last name and for that she was grateful. She looked at Linda and nodded.
Linda ignored her.
Linda was pretty. She was a little taller than Melanie. She had long silky blonde hair and big brown, doe eyes with a gorgeous figure. Melanie thought she and Logan made a pretty pair.
“Can I talk to you in private?” she asked Logan.
“Rich, keep an eye on Melanie, I’ll be right back.” He looked to Melanie, “I’ll be back in a moment.” And he placed a quick kiss on her lips again. When he broke the kiss apart, he swiped his tongue across his mouth and smiled. “Damn,” he said, grinning and walked toward the bathrooms where it was quieter.
Linda glared at Melanie as she walked behind Logan, and Richie laughed as Melanie shrugged and made a funny face. He got a kick out of her facial expression, and got up and offered her his stool.
“Thank you,” Melanie said.
“So, what brings you to Wimberley, darlin’?” he asked her.
Darlin’? Hah. How come no one in Brooklyn talks like that? She thought as she studied him hard, not wanting to reveal anything. God, she hated when people asked too many questions.
“I, uh, wanted a break from the same old routine,” she offered.
“What is the same old routine?”
“City life,” she said with a shrug. “I always wanted to check out Texas.”
“Darlin’, there are other places, more popular places, in Texas you could have checked out, so why Wimberley?”
Cody came over before she could answer. Whew, she thought. She didn’t want to lie. She was never good at it.
“Melanie, you want to dance with me?” Cody asked, all excited.
“Sure,” she said. It would get her away from answering questions she didn’t want to answer.
“Do you know the Texas two step?” he asked her.
“I believe I do. I Googled it, so I really only know it in theory. I never actually danced it.”
“It’s easy, follow my lead.” He took her hand and led her to the dance floor.
Linda snuggled into Logan when he turned around. He promptly removed her from him and took a step back.
“Ditch the bitch, cowboy. I’ll make it worth your wild. I know what you like,” she said as she reached down and placed her hand on his crotch and squeezed while swiping her tongue across her mouth.
Melanie just
happened to watch that exchange from where she was dancing.
“Linda, don’t even waste your time, honey. I’m over you. Go find another cowboy to knock boots with. We are done, and shouldn’t you be home like a good little mother, with Heath?” he asked sarcastically as he yanked her hand away from his crotch and walked back to Melanie.
“You’ll be back. He misses you being there!” she shouted.
He just kept on walking even though the last remark broke his heart.
“Where’s Melanie?” he asked Richie.
“On the dance floor with Cody and heads up, she caught Linda groping you.”
“Fuck, man. Did she look pissed?”
“She paused in mid twirl to watch that Cody almost fell over her and then she continued dancing,” Richie said smirking.
“I told you to keep an eye on her.”
“I did, I’m watching her dance. She’s cute. Sexy,” Richie said. “Do you think she’ll be up for a couple of cowboys tonight?” he asked Logan while grinning wickedly.
“Nah, I’m not sure what she’s into yet so I’m not gonna suggest it.”
“I will if you’re scared.”
“Seriously, asshole?” Logan said wryly as he stared at Melanie and Cody dancing, laughing and having fun. Was he getting jealous?
Melanie had fun. Cody twirled her to a cover of Small Town Saturday Night and she had kept up with him. Boy, he knew how to dance.
She caught Logan and Linda’s exchange and was relieved when she saw Logan rip her hand away from his crotch. Not sure why it mattered so much, but it did. She focused back on Cody and continued to dance.
When the song ended and the next song began, Cody wanted to continue to dance, but she politely declined and he walked her to Logan, who was back at the bar with Richie, and Linda was nowhere to be found.
Logan noticed one too many cowboys watching her and when she came up to him, he put his arm around her waist so they could all see she was with him, frowning at Cody as he did.