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The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance) Page 7
The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance) Read online
Page 7
While talking with the guys, Logan didn’t forget Melanie. He kept an eye on her the whole time and around the joint.
“If you won’t, I will.” Jay said to Logan, after Neil said his goodbyes and left to join another table.
Melanie didn’t understand what he meant and just looked at Logan.
Logan nodded his head at Jay and turned to Melanie. He grabbed her hair and pulled her face to his and deep throated her mouth with his tongue. She was startled at first and her hair hurt, but his kiss was so potent all she could think of was, MORE!
When he broke the kiss, she said, “Easy there, caveman,” as she grinned.
He smiled at her and she was rewarded with seeing his dimples.
“Don’t look now, but Big Betty is eyeing you and if I didn’t do that, she would have been over here doing it.”
“You mean the woman across from us who has bigger arms than you?” She giggled.
“Yeah,” said Logan, and he and Jay chuckled.
“Oh crap, I thought she was an apparition too.”
Jay and Logan burst out laughing.
“I thought she wanted you,” Melanie said to Logan.
“Nope, I’m not her type, darlin’, but you are. I’m embarrassed to admit I lost a chick to her once.”
The three of them erupted in laughter.
“She’s got a thing for Richie, though,” Logan said.
Jay laughed again as he took out his cell phone and scrolled to his received calls.
“Yeah, he called me three days ago,” he said, looking at the cell phone and nodding his head. He put it back in his pocket and looked up to Logan and Melanie, “He asked me if Betty was here. Said he was dying for a burger, but wouldn’t step in here anymore when she’s here.”
“Why not?” Melanie asked with a smile.
“The last time the two of them were in here,” he said, nodding toward Logan, “She came over with her food and drink, swung her chair around, like mine is now, and sat and ate with them.”
Logan told the rest of the story. “Hah, yeah, every time she spoke, she spat out food. It kept hitting Richie in the cheek. Oh, man, you should have seen his face.”
Logan and Jay practically rolled on the floor with laughter.
“The best was when she burped right after she propositioned Richie.”
Jay got up laughing. “I like this girl, Logan, bring her around again. It was a pleasure meeting you, sugar,” he said as he reached for her hand and kissed the back of it. To Logan he said, “Just leave a tip for Selma. Tonight’s on me, man.”
“Thanks, man.” They shook hands and ended it with a fist bump and Jay was off.
Selma, by that time had brought their burgers and they ate and talked.
“So, how old is your son?”
“Six,” he said with a small smile.
“What’s his name?”
“Nice, you don’t hear that name often.”
“Yeah, I had a thing for The Big Valley.”
Melanie let out a small laugh. “I used to love that show. Caught every rerun on cable I could find. Lee Majors played Heath Barkley.”
They locked eyes and he lifted the corners of his mouth up, thinking how easy they seemed to connect. “Not too many people I know would know that,” He said, impressed with her. He stared a moment longer.
“What? Do I have food on my mouth?” she asked.
“No.” He chuckled, “If you did, I’d reach over and lick it off,” he said suggestively.
She blushed and looked down at her food.
Outside, by Logan’s bike, Melanie said, “That was the best burger I’ve eaten in a long time, White Castles notwithstanding of course. Thanks.”
“White Castles?”
“Only the best fast food burgers I’ve ever had, especially after a night of drinking and dancing.” She grinned cheekily.
“Ah, the city never sleeps. Yeah, this was good. You’re welcome,” he said then brought his lips in to hers and this time he kissed her softly. When they pulled apart, he asked, “You want to go shoot a couple games of pool?”
“Sure, if you want to?”
He nodded his head.
He reminded her to hold him tight around the waist and then helped put her helmet on.
As they pulled out, Melanie turned her head to where she saw the Indian earlier and sure enough he was there again. This time, he wasn’t looking at her. It seemed like he was searching for something. She turned around and leaned into Logan’s back for the rest of the ride.
Chapter 11
Melanie looked perplexed when Logan pulled up in front of a home.
He put his feet down and killed the engine. He removed his helmet and helped her remove hers.
She shook her hair out.
“Where are we?” she asked. It was too dark to see anything familiar.
“My home.”
“I thought we were going to play pool?”
“Yeah, I have a pool table here.”
“Oh,” she said, not sounding too sure of herself.
“If you’re uncomfortable, we can go to the Salty Dog.”
“No, no. I’m good.” She smiled shyly.
Fuck yeah! He thought, smiling back at her.
She walked with him when he walked his bike to the side of his house.
“What was with that bar?” she asked.
“It’s haunted.”
“Hahaha, that’s an understatement,” she said. They both laughed, then he elaborated a little more.
“It’s known to be built on an old Indian campground.”
“Oh. Why did I also see Confederate soldiers?”
“No one knows. Why do some people see them and some don’t? There is speculation that the place is a sort of purgatory or even a doorway to hell.”
Melanie got goosebumps at the last part of his explanation.
“I wonder why I saw them. As my mom always pointed out, I’m afraid of my own shadow.” She giggled. “And ghosts would know that and leave me alone.”
“Did you ever have any other encounters?”
She thought about it a moment. “One time, I must have been about eight or nine, I shared a room with my sister at the time. It was the middle of the night and the whole house was asleep. I was awake, just brushing my hair, at the foot of the bed and I heard someone say ‘Melanie, it’s time to come into your mother’s room’. I said ‘Daddy, is that you,’ and no one answered. I threw the brush down and flew under the covers, shaking. I peeked out and thought I saw an outline of a cowboy in the doorway.”
“That’s fucked up.”
“Gee, thanks. It’s a good thing you’re a cowboy and not a psychologist,” she said and they both laughed.
“So what happened?”
“Nothing. I told my mother about it the next day and she thought I must have dreamt it.”
“You don’t think you did, then?”
“No. To this day, no. But retelling that story now, I can’t help but wonder if that was when I started liking cowboys.” She laughed and wiggled her eyes and Logan looked at her and grinned.
They spoke no more on the subject, but Logan couldn’t help but wonder if she was gifted and didn’t know it. He read somewhere that sometimes one needed to be shown his or her abilities to understand them.
Melanie followed him into his house through a side door. It was a modest one story house. Nothing fancy, but it was neat and clean. He turned a hall light on and walked to the kitchen. She followed.
He pulled out a beer from the fridge. “What can I get you?”
“What do you have?”
He looked back in the fridge. I don’t have any wine right now, how bout a hard Mike’s?” he asked, while making a mental note to stock up on wine.
“Mike is still hard, huh?” she asked as she snickered.
He looked at her and laughed as he removed the bottle.
“Yeah, I want to see you drink hard mike,” he said with a wide gri
She cracked up as she took the bottle he handed her.
He took her hand and walked her to what he called the billiard’s room. It was actually the living room. He had a living room and a family room. He didn’t need both, so he made one into a sort of game room, he explained to her.
“Choose a cue,” he said to her, pointing to a rack of sticks.
The balls on the table were already in the rack with the eight ball in the middle. “Eight ball?” he asked as he rearranged a solid and stripe ball in the rack.
“Care to make it interesting?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“A betting man, huh?”
He nodded his head and lifted the corners of his mouth up.
“Okay…. How about a dollar a ball?” she asked.
“Logan, I’m not really a gambler. I’m not doing five.”
“No money, baby.”
“Oh. Then what?”
Here goes, hopefully she won’t get offended. What’s the worst she could say, no? He thought to himself.
“Every ball I sink, you take off an article of clothing, and every ball you sink, I take off an article of clothing.”
“Strip Pool, huh? I’ve never played before.” She paused. He worried.
“Okay, but, shouldn’t there be a reward for whoever sinks the eight ball at the end?”
“Oh, darlin’, and you never played before,” he said with a devilish smile. “If you sink the ball, I throw you down on this table and give you the best licking you’ve ever had.”
Whoa! She thought as something in the form of liquid heat shot through her core and out to her limbs. She slowly smiled. “And if you sink the eight ball?”
I eat you out then fuck your brains out, he thought to himself. He smiled. “You blow me while I’m driving my truck down a road.”
“Which road?” She giggled.
“Does it matter?” He chuckled.
“No.” She shook her head, still giggling.
“We on?” he asked, extending his hand.
She paused, getting a kick out of watching him sweat, but she was so in. Finally, she smiled and shook his hand.
“You want to break, or should I?” he asked. Not that it mattered, he knew what the outcome of the game would be even before it started.
“Be my guest.” She gestured to the table. She knew the break was not easy, at least for her, to sink in a ball.
Logan broke and sunk a solid and stripe.
“Now what?” Melanie asked with a shrug.
“We each take something off.”
They both took a shoe off. Well, he took both his shoes off.
“I call stripes,” he said as he lined up his next shot. He sunk it. He smiled. She removed another shoe. He even sunk in the next ball.
“Oooh, okay.” She slowly unzipped her shorts and just as slowly peeled them off of her, revealing a black and lavender pair of lace panties that when it was her turn, and if she still had them on, he would notice that they barely covered her ass.
She got a kick out of watching his mouth hang open and his eyes bulge. Melanie noticed his hazel eyes got darker.
She flung the shorts his way and he finally blinked. He caught her shorts in the hand that held the pool cue then he lifted the beer he had picked up while she was removing her shorts, in his other hand, and tipped it to her then took a sip.
Melanie knew she had to slow this down or she’d be naked while he didn’t remove a stitch of clothing. As he was just about to make another shot, one that they both knew was going to be easy, she walked to the other side of the table in eye shot of him, turned around and wiggled her ass. He looked up just as he took the shot.
“Shit.” She heard him say and when she turned around she didn’t see the cue ball but the one he was going to sink was still there, in the same spot. They locked eyes and she grinned and shrugged her shoulders.
“Oopsie,” she said so innocently.
“You don’t play fair Miss Catalano,” he said as he shook his head and chuckled while resetting the cue ball for her.
“Never said I did,” she answered, while eyeing a shot.
She walked around the table and had to pass him. He didn’t back up to make her pass easily, so she just slid by him pausing in front of him for a moment, her back to his front. She heard a low growl come out of his mouth as she felt the palm of his hand slide ever so lightly along her ass.
When he went to snake that hand around her waist, she moved away quickly, trying to catch her breath. His hand felt hot on her ass or was her ass hot to his touch?
Melanie saw her shot, lined it up, and sunk it in. She looked up to him and smiled. He didn’t hesitate to remove his Harley T-shirt.
Now it was her turn to gape. Holy! He was all muscles. His Pecs were big with small brown nipples she wanted to suck, and she counted a six pack as she trailed her eyes down to see his hip bones form the shape of a V. “.…four, five, six. Yep a six pack,” she said astounded.
He smiled wide as she continued to assess his body with approving eyes. He had only a dusting of hair which came together just below his innie and disappeared down his jeans which hung low on his waist.
He threw his shirt at her and she wasn’t that quick, it hit her in the face and she grabbed it and looked up to him with a huge smile.
He grinned. “I believe it’s still your turn,” he said.
She sunk in her next ball and proceeded to dance in place while licking her lips and shaking her hips.
He burst out laughing as he dropped his jeans.
Black boxer briefs, nice, she thought. And, yowser, he’s packing.
He couldn’t even hide his raging hard-on if he wanted to.
Logan could play just as hard as she. When she went to make her next shot, he got in front of her view, on the other side of the table, with his hard dick facing her. She stopped mid motion and looked up as she visualized it through his underwear and she accidently moved the cue ball. It hit nothing. She looked down then back up. He shrugged. She pouted.
“My turn.” Ah, the perfect shot, he thought. He fired off and two stripes sunk in a corner pocket.
He held up two fingers with a smirk as he walked to the table where his beer was.
He took a sip as he watched her remove her tank top and Logan took in a breath at seeing her matching black and lavender lace demi bra holding in her breasts. His tongue swiped across his lips when she moved her hands behind her and unsnapped the bra.
He put his beer bottle down and watched as her bra fell away fast, and out came two of the most gorgeous tits he’d ever seen. They were full, round, real and high and he watched her nipples get hard. No doubt she was turned on by the way he was ogling her. His mouth was watering for a taste.
“Game over. You win,” he said as he took his pool stick and swiftly swept the remaining balls to one side along with his stick. She smiled.
In two long strides he was by her side and removed her pool stick and hastily leaned it against the wall. He picked her up and placed her on the pool table. Then he climbed up and moved on top of her, spreading her legs with his knees, taking most of his weight in his forearms by her shoulders.
He kissed her mouth hard and without apology as he ground his cock into her pussy.
She let out a throaty moan.
He moved a hand to one of her breasts and felt it up while she let out another moan. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and she arched her back. He tweaked it hard and when she gasped he massaged it and she felt liquid pool between her legs.
He was so fast, before she knew it, the hand on her breast was snaking its way down her body.
He removed his mouth from hers and paused to stare into her eyes. She was left breathless from that kiss. Then he brought his mouth down and closed it around her nipple and tugged as the fingers of his hand that was now inside her panties, tou
ched her clit at the same time.
She shot up, not sure from his mouth or his hand.
Breathing heavy, she roamed a hand on his head, luxuriating in the feel of his crew cut, and the other hand caressed his back. She dug her nails into his back when she felt a finger push inside her.
“Jesus, you’re soaked,” he said as he placed quick butterfly kisses down her body and rose up on his knees. He removed his hand from her pussy and placed both of his hands at her hips and brought down her panties. Watching as she lifted her legs out of them, his gaze zeroed in on her sex and he licked his lips as he flung her panties somewhere.
He buried his head between her legs as he brought the thumbs of his hands to her lips and spread her. Her soft moans excited him. He brought his mouth to her clit and sucked it, he moaned, pulled back and put his tongue on it and licked it like a wild man.
As soon as he shoved two fingers inside her, she came. He felt her pussy muscles clamp down around his fingers as he continued licking and sucking her clit. He felt her tremble as she moaned, “Oh, yes,” over and over while thrashing her head from side to side as she placed her hands at the back of his head holding it down on her.
He slowed only when she slowed. He pulled his fingers out of her and licked them as she breathed heavy and studied him through hooded eyes. He quickly removed his briefs and Melanie gasped at the sheer size and beauty of his cock. He was hung.
“Everything really is big in Texas,” she said with a smile on her face.
He chuckled as he made his way up her body. Then he kissed her long and hard and she knew her lips would be swollen from it later. He was about to shove his cock inside her.
“Condom?” she asked in his mouth. He took a moment.
“Holy shit. Yeah.” He jumped off the table and retrieved his wallet from his jeans and pulled out a foil packet. He threw his wallet on the pool table by the balls and ripped open the packet as he made his way back on the table. He slid it on so fast and was back on top of her, kissing her while his hand was on his cock circling it around her slit. One thrust and he was in her to the hilt.